Head of the epidemiology center Gao foo talks about the next stages
Gao foo the Head of the epidemiology center talks about what will happened in the next few months , foo said that the new covid 19 variant is more dangerous...
jan pier predections for 2022 to 2030
jan pier is a famous tech expert specialist in future tech industries and he talked about what will happened from 2022 to 2030 based on Codex Seraphinianus which is a...
janthom smith predictions 2022
Janson smith is one of the most famous astrologer in the past 10 years in uk , and recently he published new predictions for 2022 and that's what will happened...
john welden new predictions for 2022
john welden is famous Canadian astrologer who predicted so many thing that actually happened in the middle east and the world , and about his last predictions for 2022 he...
The New World with New internet alxander motchetsov
Alexander Motchetsov the internet specialist who predicted last three month that the internet will have new protocols update that can lead to failure of access of the internet on some...
robert klaven predictions 2022
robert klaven is a specialist in predictions and we had the opportunity to publish his predictions for the year 2022 1- the people in middle east will had a bad...
ethical hacker course online free more than 15 hours
today we will talk about ethical hacker course online and free this course is full course in one video on YouTube by the cyber mentor Learn network penetration testing /...
How to Change a Column Size or Type in MySQL
Just beorigin you made a MySQL column single type or size doesn't mean that it hsimilar to stay that lifestyle. Changing the column type or size in an befounding information...
What Is Overloading in Java?
more than loading in Java is the capability to tell the difference increasingly than single approach with the same identification in a category. The compiler is can to recognize the...
free PHP programming course E5 learn to code
FREE php course Lecture #5: Selection Structure Any PHP script is built out of a series of statements. A statement can be an assignment, a function call, a loop (discussed...