Alexander Motchetsov the internet specialist who predicted last three month that the internet will have new protocols update that can lead to failure of access of the internet on some old devices , and after the long down time of facebook services Motchetsocv say that the real reason of that long down time is that facebook is applying that new protocols updates
so what next ?
Motchetsov says at the next few months some people with old OS versions like android 4 and 5 and 6 and ios 4 ,5,6 and some windows and mac os will not have access to the new internet , because the new protocols will not support these old devices , these will lead those people to upgrade to new updated devices or they will not have internet access
the satellite internet will be the new world internet and more new protocols will be applied , the main target is to make internet available to every one and every time that leads to more affective spy solutions